Some areas look beyond gorgeous at night but have much stronger enemies so remember that. You can change the time of day easily through the menu so make sure you do this while exploring a new area. Many areas in the game have stronger enemies roaming around in the night. You can also use this menu to set arts you want to use for every character and rearrange them. Upgrading arts lets you do more damage, get more buffs, etc. Make sure to enter this menu whenever you see a red dot on the ‘Arts’ part of the in-game menu. As you defeat new enemies, complete quests, and find new areas, you unlock AP. The skills you can use during Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition combat are called arts. The Expert Mode lets you adjust levels and bank experience to further tweak your own difficulty.

You can do this from the system menu under options for casual mode and the system menu for expert mode. Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition has a casual mode that makes battles easier but doesn’t change anything else. They are unlocked through various things in the game like levelling up or combat. Linking skills unlocks a bit later and this lets you learn someone else’s skills. They progressively learn more skills and become more powerful. Spend a bit of time in the skills menu to select trees for each character. Skills in Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition are passive and have their own skill trees. Unique monsters around your level also give you a good amount of experience so are great if you want to grind (assuming the one in question respawns). The loot from them is great but avoid running into them early on until you know the combat system well and are a few higher levels. These are unique monsters that are much harder to defeat and they will immediately initiate combat with you on sight. Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition has special named enemies with special name tags across the world. Unique monsters should be approached with caution Your first death will probably be against a unique monster, but don’t worry too much, you can always come back and try again right away.

In fact, all it really means is you get put back at the last fast travel point with no real penalty. In Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition, dying doesn’t mean Game Over. We’ve pulled together some top tips about battling, to provide a comprehensive guide to the Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition combat. Even if you’ve spent a lot of time with Xenoblade Chronicles 2, there are differences in this game, that you need to understand. One of the trickier aspects to grasp in this Monolith Soft JRPG is the combat. There’s a lot to get to grips with in Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition.